Editor and Publisher’s 15 Over 50 Awards

Announcing E&P’s 15 Over 50 Awards!

For decades E&P has been honoring the newcomers with our 25 under 35 awards. However, it’s occurred to us that we may have been negligent at recognizing those that have served our industry over a much longer period of time.

So please help us by nominating someone who you know that has spent their career moving the news publishing industry forward by leading, inspiring and motivating others!

Tell us how your nominee has made a difference for you and the industry and they may be featured in the upcoming July/August issue of E&P!

Whether they come from newspapers, broadcast, radio or online and come from  sales, editorial, production  or audience development, all are eligible.

Please Nominate Now!
Deadline: July 10, 2020

All nominees must be at least 50 years old as of July 1, 2020.

  • Please include a short synopsis of why the nominee should receive recognition. Include history, specific leadership successes, innovative program development, obstacles and challenges overcome, awards and any other information that would help us evaluate them.